Thursday, October 13, 2011

Laminate Floor Samples = Cute Signs

With having an addition put on the house this spring came the daunting task of sorting through  the zillions of different flooring options!  My hubby got every free sample he could, and then put them through his series of tests which included soaking them overnight in water, scratching them with his pocket knife, dropping them from a jet... okay scratch that last one.  But he wanted to make sure we were getting something good.  I was more concerned with appearance, naturally.  Hey, we can float rather than walk around if we have to to keep it from scratching - it LOOKS good!  Anyways, I knew there was something I might want those samples for some day and managed to snag about a dozen of them from the garbage.  Can you believe someone would actually throw them away?!  The nerve!
I decided to stencil words on them to make little signs.  So I gave them all a couple coats of paint and then stenciled on my letters.
Faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.
To a few of them I added jute for hanging.
Everyone seems to love cat signs.  If you love cats to begin with that is.  I remembered finding these on clearnace at JoAnn's awhile back, bought them all up,  and added them to my other wooden crafties in the drawer.
Yes folks, they almost broke my budget.  For 10 cents, how could I not buy them?
Hot glue is one of my BFF's.  I hot glued the cat on, and the jute around the edge for hanging. It's true, I LOVE MY CAT!!  Let's make that plural.  I have two!
One more to share and I'm done.  This one got white, then I stenciled with light gray in each corner.
I typed up this humorous little quote from one of my pins on pinterest, printed it on some scrapbook paper, and modge podged it on.  Mod Podge scares the heck outta me, but it turned out okay.  No bubbles, ink bleeds, tears.... the usual that I experience when normally working with it!

And now in case you'd like to see our new floor, which I'm still completely in love with and is in desperate need of a cleaning as I type this..... Here it is!!!  
I always go "YESSSSS"  when visitors say "Ooooo I love the hard wood flooring!"  (It's laminate).


  1. Maybe I should have named Grace Love, waddya think?? VERY cute work on these little signs Kams!!

  2. Great idea for your signs. Love your new floor!

  3. So creative and cute! The floor looks awesome!


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