Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Our Family Living Room {Photo Tour}

Welcome to our Living Room. 

 This was actually an addition we had built on about three years ago.  I took photos from all angles so you can get a feel for the lay out.  Hope you enjoy this photo tour! 

Yes, you really do see a basketball net hanging from the wall.  
The boys outnumber the girls in this house and even though I did NOT okay this or approve of it.... I am now the "coolest mom" for allowing my boys to play basketball in the house.

Hope you enjoyed the photo tour!

Here you can also view our Master Bedroom.
Sharing here:
The Happy Scraps The Shabby NestPhotobucket


  1. I love love love what you've done with yourfamily living room, and I specially like the vinyl words on the wall near the stairs. Cut them yourself? Bet it's hard to have to leave this ... but what a marvelous canvas awaits your magic touch ...

    1. Thanks, Kay! The words are actually hand painted on using a projector. :)

  2. HI KAMMY!!! (remember me haha) I love your room and it's openness and will always love the little over look from the kids room. .That place is AWESOME!! Sorry it's been so long!! I'll check back sooner promise!!!!!

    1. HI RITA!!!!! :) THANKS! No worries... I'll "see" you around. :)

  3. I love your room, so beautiful! The basketball hoop is cracking me up!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quote on the wall! Of course, I love your home, too. Where did you find the quote? I wonder if our Christian bookstore has it? What a statement!

    1. April, it is actually painted on with a little paint brush and black paint using a projector. I typed out how I wanted it to look on a laptop, and then we hooked it up to the projector and my brave mom dangled over the basement stairs on a board and carefully painted it on. :)

  5. Your living room is beautiful!! Thanks for linking up to The Creative Exchange Linky Party!

  6. A basketball hoop in the living room would have been perfect in my house too! I had three boys - no girls. Your room is lovely. Thanks for the inspirational pictures.

  7. I love your room, so beautiful! The basketball hoop is cracking me up!
    Delores Ensley


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