I recently sat down with Lindsey from BetterAfter (My favorite blog ever - yes, I love yours too, just maybe not quite as much as BetterAfter....) to ask her a few behind-the-blog-scenes questions. Okay, so I didn't actually have the privilege of physically sitting down with this blogger celebrity, but I thought I could get away with saying that since I was recently interviewed in our newspaper about Kammy's Korner and he used that exact line in the article, although he did it over the phone. To which I was totally unprepared and fumbled my way through the questions with lots of "ummms" and "errrrrs". Lindsey, true to her humorous self and with no "umm"s or "errr"s, will have you laughing by the end of this, I'm sure!
You have something creative and usually hilarious to say about each makeover you post. How often do you get a great makeover but put it on the back burner because you can’t think of any clever commentary? Or maybe you never run out of entertaining things to write!Aww, thank you very much! I try to keep things entertaining, but I don't plan what I'm going to write beforehand. I just look at the projects in my files, pick something that I like and hope I can think of something to say! I'm always excited to hurry and get the really great projects posted, and those usually speak for themselves.
Do you just like to look at the before and afters or do they actually inspire you to do your own?I do get inspired to try my own projects once in a while, but I am so busy (or lazy, your call) that I prefer projects that can be completed in these two simple steps: #1 Find thing. #2 Spray paint thing.
Have you ever posted your own projects on your own blog?
A couple times, but not often. I recently posted my bathroom makeover, which was a lot of fun, so maybe I'll get up the nerve to do a few more!
What’s something you allow yourself to splurge on from time to time?
Oh, the usual girly stuff, shoes, earrings, chocolate, etc. I'm actually pretty cheap, so I'm not a huge splurger (that sounds grosser than it should), but I can be an impulsive shopper and suddenly decide that TODAY IS THE DAY I MUST REPLACE EVERY BATH TOWEL IN THE HOUSE!Are you starting to develop a tummy pooch from sitting in front of the computer for too many hours like I am?

Have you ever been out in public and someone recognized you from your blog?
No, but that would be cool! My sister-in-law Kalli claims someone recognized me as we were crossing a street in Mesa once, and was gesturing wildly, but I think they were actually just telling me to get out of the way.
Now, all the way back from July, which really is alllllllll the way back since Lindsey has a new posting every 28 minutes, is one of my favorite posts she's done (hard to pick just one actually, they're all great!):
Can I get a what what?
This chair submission arrived in my inbox with nary an explanation. There was simply a before and an after, signed by "J." Mysterious! I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure that "J" is probably a very well-known celebrity. I bet J wants to keep his or her thrift-loving identity secret, so the whole world doesn't find out that they secretly would rather recover a moldy old chair than buy a new one for half a million dollars at Barney's, or wherever ridiculously rich people buy furniture. I wouldn't know.
Possible possibilities: Jack Johnson, James Franco, Janet Reno, Jay-Z, Jerry Seinfeld, Joey Lawrence or Joan Cusack. Hmmmm. Yep, I'm on to you Jay-Z.
Possible possibilities: Jack Johnson, James Franco, Janet Reno, Jay-Z, Jerry Seinfeld, Joey Lawrence or Joan Cusack. Hmmmm. Yep, I'm on to you Jay-Z.
I love the Better After blog. Unfortunately, the creative gene skipped me completely so, like you, I prefer the #1 find things and #2 spray paint method too. Thanks for the fun blog!