Saturday, August 4, 2012

Photo Highlights of our Mackinac Get Away

I don't know if you've missed me or not, but in case you were wondering why the lack of posts this week, it's because I took a break and joined my hubby's side of the family in Mackinac City (including a day on the island) to commemorate his parent's 40 years of wedded bliss!  Here's a peak at some of the highlights over the last few days:

Me n' my boys on Mackinac Island
A little adventure at the Sugar Loaf rock formation.  
40 years of marriage produced six wonderful grandchildren! :)
No trip to Mackinac Island is complete without visiting Arch Rock!  Unbelievable view.  God's creation at it's finest!
We took a little bike jaunt over to Fort Holmes - the highest point on the Island.  Proud of the boys for climbing all 140 stairs to the top without complaint.  (Hard to believe, I know.)
My feisty lil' cowgirl with the great Mackinac Bridge in the background.

Fine French soldiers.  And they know how to use 'em.
And the highlight of the trip for Ty?  Water slides -with no height restrictions!!!!!!!

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Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Nate carved our initials right under where you are sitting at Fort Holmes...we're rebels! Glad y'all had fin's!

  2. I visited Mackinac when I was about 10 and loved it! I can't wait until my kids are a little bit older so I can take them. Here is a post I wrote about Mackinac:

    Thanks Doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife


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