Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Nontraditional Black Friday Shopping - The Hodge Podge!!

So I haven't done the 'up early, hit the big stores' on Black Friday in years.  Since our parents were roughing it in Hawaii this year, my sister and her little family decided to spend Thanksgiving in Michigan with us.  We meant to wake up super early, but with wailing babies at three in the morning and all, that didn't happen. We managed to hit the mall a little before 7:00am. But all I was really caring about was being one of the first thirty five in line at The Hodge Podge Consignment store downtown Jackson, MI to get one of the goodie bags handed out to the first thirty five people in the door.  It opened at the reasonable time of 8:00.  At 7:45, I was RUNNING to the van in the JCPenney's parking lot to make sure to get to the Hodge Podge in time to secure our spot.  My sister was walking.  "NO!  RUN, KARLS, RUN!!!".   "You seriously think there are going to people lined up at a consignment store?!"  "Well, I don't know, but I'd rather not take that sill risk, ya Fiend!"  We pulled in with ten minutes to spare and still had to hurdle  a few people in the parking lot to get spots number twenty-eight and twenty-nine.  Phew.  Now then. Was it worth it?  WAS IT WORTH IT?!  Forget the mall, forget the 478 people in the check out line at Khols, HIT UP THE HODGE PODGE, PEOPLE!!! 
Yes, that's right.  EVERYTHING was Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off.  And then if  you get their emails, the awesome owner, Andrea, sends out these super fun coupons like I got $3.67 off my purchase because her GPA this semester is 3.67. So for example, if she gets a 3.95 GPA next semester, she'll send you a coupon for $3.95 off your purchase.  And you can use it once a day - until the next grade comes out. Gotta love a creative savings technique! 
 20120725_095238.jpgApparently, Andrea either really loves pink or is all about breast cancer awareness!  Maybe both.

Here's just some of what that
little pink goodie bag was hiding inside:
That's right, did you see that pink slip in the middle?  A pink slip any girl wants to get!  A free manicure!  We got our names on the list right away.  Owner Andrea's adorable and sweet-as-honey daughter did our manicures.  I've only had one in my life - twelve years ago for our wedding!  
So how about you see what I all got for a grand total of just $16?  
You read that right, $16.00!!! 
If you can count, that's ten items!
How did I manage that?  Well, there's this really amazing little room.  Everything in this little room is $1!  Holler!!  And since everything on Black Friday was buy one get one half off, well ya know, I had a hay-day.  Now I am so not a brand name girl - could totally care less.  But if you are, let me just tell you that four of those items are American Eagle, there is also Isabella & Max, Express, Twenty one, and more.  So just put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Kind of looks like I'm doing an exercise move here.  Thanks for being my photographer though, Tobes.  I have the best little 4 and 6 year old photographers ever!  Oh, and wanna know how I scored those boots for twenty five cents?  Well, that'll be another post...
Pin ItSo if you live in the Jackson, MI area, I highly suggest you put this on your Black Friday list for next year.  Heck, just go there no matter what day it is!  And make sure to sign up for their emails to get the great coupons.  I am in no way getting paid for this post, just passing along some small business love, great deals, and to say "thank you" for the awesome Black Friday experience!

Oh, one more thing!  So the $10 gift card that was in our goodie bag was for the Hodge Podege OUTLET STORE.  Now this I had never heard of.  It wasn't my prissy sister's cup-of-tea as it's more like an indoor garage sale, however I got a stack of darling clothes for my two year old daughter and the cutest purse ever ever ever all for $4!  So I still have $6 left on my gift card!  DOUBLE BLACK FRIDAY SCORE!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I have a fabulous giveaway sponsored by an amazing Etsy shop going live - with a prize worth over $50!!!!  Come back tomorrow to get entered!!!!!!


  1. Good lord woman what size are you "-5".

    I think your waist is the size of my neck!!

  2. Wow, it looks and sounds like you had a great Black Friday, Kammy! Love the outfit you're wearing. I wish we had a place like that here.

  3. Great ....your a shopping queen!!!

  4. all i got to say is LUCKY!!!!! im alittle jealous :)

  5. Super cute! I love great deals, the cheaper the better, if not for free! I was cracking up with your race to get in line, we use the word Fiend frequently around here...good stuff!

  6. I am super impressed! I love getting a good deal, so I usually end up at the thrift store.

  7. Work it, girl! You look adorable! 1.00 skinny jeans? That's what I'm talkin' about!


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