Thursday, April 18, 2013

Built-In Basement Shelving {Curtain Closure}

The photos in this post are going to span a two year period of time.  
Yup, this one's been a long time comin'!

Two years ago, I was finally to get a "nice" basement - in addition to our scary "Michigan" basement that I wouldn't even descend into if a tornado was threatening.  Me and the kids had fun watching the progress from Tori's bedroom window upstairs.

 And then. 
Then it became a catch all.  
Everything ended up getting piled into the basement.  It was awful.  Ugly.  Not a place the kids wanted to play.  A place the spiders loved.  But not me.  Not the kids.  Finally, last fall, I convinced hubby that the basement HAD to be made livable.  I wasn't going to put up with this disaster (that I mostly created, haha) any longer!  See that wall with stuff piled up on it?  Watch the progression....

 I used blue in the closets because it was free paint from a friend, and nobody was going to see it anyway so I didn't care much if it matched. 
 I decided to keep the walls neutral and put my color on the ceiling.  I hate white ceilings!

 I found some fabulous fabric at Hobby Lobby and forked over a small fortune for it.  
I'm a very frugal girl so... I'd rather not think about that.

But hey, to make up for it, I had my mom sew them into curtains and I had all these wooden rings on hand from a large shoebox of wooden do-dads and odds and ends that I paid $1 for.  We figured out a way to use them.  It worked great!  We cut a piece of jute twine, sewed it on the top of the curtain, and tied it onto the rings.  They slide like a charm on the rod!!

And there you have it.  I would show you behind the curtains, but well, it only stayed organized for about five hours.

In case you missed the last basement post, here's another peek into the room down under:

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The Shabby Nest
TDC Before and After


  1. Looks awesome! I need to come visit so I can see all these projects in person!!

  2. yep, much better than the "before". haha and what a great storage solution!! :)

  3. This turned out great, love the finishing touches, framing, paint and those drapes!

  4. Looks great! I am working on the LARGE basement project now myself....Im tackling it in sections....Talk about a long time coming.... :)

  5. Bahahaha, 5 hours clean, love it. Great project :)

  6. Love it and how fun are those curtains!!!!

  7. Loved the curtain treatment. I am using Indian cotton shears tied on to loops, in my own bedroom currently but I am keeping the jute ties "in my head"!
    Mrs Mac.


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