Saturday, June 13, 2015

Chalkboard Table

I know I took a before of this table but alas, it has hidden away from me one one of my many SD cards or folders on the computer.  I try to be organized with my photos, but alas.  Organization and Kammy don't go well together.  So I found this one, with me and "Neighbor Grandpa" - the day we went and cleared out all the remaining free stuff from the Jackson Resale Factory minutes before they closed their doors.  Sniffle, sniffle.  Boy, that was a fun day though.  It was one of those old tables out of a kindergarten classroom with the grayish colored formica top.  I'm sure many a kid ate paste at this table and wiped boogers on the bottom.  But since it was free, of course I brought it home!

 It took SEVERAL coats of chalkboard paint to cover, and I had to let it cure a long time because it scratched off easy.  But now I've coated it several times and let it cure a long time and it is finally holding up well!

Here's my homemade chalkboard paint recipe:

3-4 tablespoons Plaster of Paris
dissolve in a few tablespoons of hot water
add about a cup of black paint and stir until smooth.

I wrote Ty a little note on it, and my little Honey wrote one back:

It's usually covered in jars of caterpillars, frogs, moths, baby turtles, and anything that moves and he can catch!

To view Ty's entire room, click HERE.

Sharing here:


TDC Before and After

1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! I love chalkboard anything & this is just perfect for a kiddos room :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista


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