So My mother has always been an incredible artist. When my dad was laid off from John Deere in the '80s, Mom painted sun up to sundown and sold her artwork for next to nothing. She has always wanted to teach me the skill. However, Ornery and impatient me just never had time for that! Well, I'm still ornery and impatient but I've found a simple fun way to paint with acrylics and here are my very first works!
If anyone knows where to get cheap canvases, let me know! otherwise,
MONEY SAVING TIP: Spray paint white over an ugly painted canvas you find at a garage sale and wa-la, you have a canvas to put your creation on! Here is this money saving tip put into action:
This tuscany scene my mother painted over top of a pirate portrait I found at a garage sale. I painted part of the frame black. And yes, I do have a bright orange living room wall!
The Poppy painting is also painted by my mom over an old garage sale painting. Yes, there are holes in the corners of the canvas, but some things you just gotta be willing to live with when saving some bucks! :)
it is always a good idea to save money on canvas since they are expensive - in art school we used gesso to cover an old canvas for repainting - i think its pretty inexpensive and the texture is great and it really will hold up over the years.