Sunday, March 21, 2010

"You are my Sunshine"

How can I go any further on this blog and not do a little bragging on the sunshine's of my life? I have two little towheads who, like any parent of a one and three year old will say, make my life very interesting, challenging, and LOADS OF FUN!!! I thank God for these two little crazies every day and wonder why I waited so long to have them! I was so afraid of how my life would change if I brought kids into the picture and now I can hardly remember what life was like without them. A little girl should be joining us SOON! My due date is April 17th, but if she takes much longer than 2 more weeks, I just may grab that bottle of castor oil that's been beckoning me in the cupboard. For you skeptics, this method DID work for my last baby. Maybe some day, I shall blog about that crazy experience! Until then, here are my sweethearts!

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Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!