Friday, January 21, 2011

Mirror - funky to feathery

I can't remember where I got this, it was probably around 10 years ago, and my memory worker just ain't that good.  But it was just plain wood then and I painted it all funky like this to match my funky gerber daisy basement thing I had going on.  It has since been in the lime green bathroom, but it's really been bugging me so I finally took it down and gave it a makeover.

Here's the end result, however I don't know WHAT to put in the sconces?  Candles I suppose would be the normal answer, haha.  I was thinking of some greenery trailing down...  or perhaps I should just take them off?  But dunno.  So I'll just leave them stuffed with the Styrofoam that was holding those fuchsia daisies.


  1. my vote is take them off! But it's just little ole me's opinion:P

  2. oh- and I love the bird stencil on this and the coasters.


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