Oh how I love when people put their stuff on the side of the road and I get there before the garbage truck!!! One day this past fall, I was toodling down a back road in my F150, pulling my trusty Deere on my dilapidated trailer, when my "junk by the road" radar went off and there was a chair. I hollered out my window to the dude in the yard and he hollered back "It's all yer's" and oh was I happy. I cranked up the kerosene heater in the barn and gave 'er a new look yesterday, thank goodness for left over curtain fabric. Here's your before and after fix for the day: aaaaaaaaaaand as I go to upload my pics I'm panicking as I realize I DIDN'T GET A BEFORE SHOT!!!! NOOOO!!!! How could this be? I have failed you. Well, you'll have to use your imagination. Light colored wood with this HIDEOUS almost metalic silver weave through a brown and beige fabric. I'm ticked at myself. Trust me, it was a doozy. So here's your after minus the before.
I did that to something once. Remade it but didn't think to take a before picture. Darn eh? lol The chair looks great! :)