Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paintin' on the Planter Box

Walked outta the Jackson Resale Factory with this very large planter for a whoppin' eight bucks!  I didn't even dicker.  I know, hard to believe.  But I didn't.  Promise.  It already had little drain holes and everything.  All it needed was dirt and flowers!

And some fancifying with stencils, of course! :)  Now if you can believe this, I started this project like I do most projects (painting canvases, cooking supper, etc.) which would be with absouletly no plan in mind.  Which might be why the style of lettering I used doesn't at all match the style of design on the sides....  But hey.  So I start out stenciling the little dooly-dad on the left side.  Then... I move over to the right side and work my way to the middle.  Well, this just might be boring, maybe we should add some words.  How about the word "Sweet"?  I think flowers are sweet. So I stick that right in the middle.  Hmmm, now what?  That was dumb.  So I thought, and thought, and thought..... for about 1.3 minutes and the words "this" and "life" came to me. Perfect.  Each has 4 letters so we can keep this baby symmetrical!  And I'm done.  Except  for this announcement (after viewing the planter from afar....):

We are finally down to the teens - only 18 fans to go!!   First 200 to "like" Kammy's Korner on FB are automatically entered to win an Applebee's Gift card!!!  Click HERE (or on my right sidebar up top) and maybe you'll be the lucky winner! 


  1. Very cute! :) Your project turned out lovely and so pretty filled with the flowers.

  2. Kammy, I love it! I have one of those old boxes sitting in my backyard. You've just inspired me to finally do something with it! Thanks for linking up! By the way, I'll be featuring you next Wednesday!

  3. So cute! Love the stenciling on it!


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