Monday, June 13, 2011

Sleeping? Sorry, need that sheet for curtains!

Blog reader, meet Marie's bed sheet new curtains.  Marie has her share of crazy stories, but this one was just too funny not to pass on!  So I go to her house the other night and per usual instead of being greeted "Hi, Kammy, how are you" I  get greeted "Hey, ohhhh you gotta see the (fill in the blank) I made/did/created/dug-out-of-a-dumpster!!!"  So this particular night it was "HEY, You gotta see my new curtains!! I found this super cheap clearanced fabric and so at midnight decided to make some curtains with them and I needed some white fabric for the backing and didn't have any so I knew just the perfect fabric - a bed sheet!"  Nevermind it's midnight, and her husband is fast asleep!  So she storms in, rips off the sheet, startles the bajeebies out of sleeping hubby, and finishes her curtains.  Mr. Husband settles back down, rolls his eyes, rolls over, and is thankful life is never boring with that woman he married!  (Trust me, it actually goes both ways!)

So you know the love I have for earrings - especially old lady clip-ons!!  Well Marie shares the love - and neither of us have our ears pierced!  Here's one spot they show up in her house!  Love the touch.

Let's hope she doesn't decide she needs his pillow next time!

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  1. SOOOO funny costly array for the cheep drapery LOL!!Here's my tip for the day, wanted to make a large square throw pillow for my NEW guest room (which my son moved out of on Saturday)Anywho I took an old bed pillow and cut it down to a square! then stuffed it into the cover! And Wa-laa!

  2. ohhhhh marie! you are something!!

  3. Lovve the curtains and the earring on it. Tell Marie she needs to get her own blog, I bet she could share lots too.

  4. I found this fabric clearances super cheap and in the middle of the night decided to make some curtains with them and I am in need of some white cloth to support and do not have any so I knew just the perfect fabric.

    curtain draperies


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