Friday, August 19, 2011

Easy Canvas Art

Always keep your eye out for canvas paintings at garage sales.  They're expensive to buy new!  My mom scored these six square canvases for me at a garage sale - WOW - almost better than a hunk of Mackinac Island fudge!!

I pulled out some left over gray paint from my office walls and painted them all gray.  Then I went to town.  Here is one of them.  It was so easy!  I used this stencil I had on hand, overlapping it to make three designs - two in yellow and one in white.  I've been really inspired as of late in the "gray and  yellow department" after staying in my friend Heather's amazing guest room!  (Check out Heather's creative blog HERE!)

Finished product will be for sale in Kammy's Korner Store!  Along with the rest of the upcycled canvases that have yet to revealed.....

Designer Garden


  1. Cute! I just tucked four little canvases away that didn't sell at my garage sale last weekend because I'm not sure what I want to do with them yet. Some sort of collage like the first set you showed here. Please stop by and share this at my VIP party today...

  2. you have done great work, the print you have added in this post it's looking so attractive, you have chosen very nice colors for this print, gray background have made this print extraordinary. good creativity keep it up.

    Canvas art of modern times


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!