Monday, August 8, 2011

Uggg. Ugly Desk. And Countertop paint!

This thing was bad.  I mean, for Jackson Resale Factory to only put a $9 sticker on it.... well it was baaaaad.  You can't see all the nastiness.  I should have gotten a close up.  There was this nasty half decaying cork board on the back (which I yanked off, since it was only hanging on by two of the six screws), sticky gunk all over where I pulled tons of duct tape off (why someone went holding things together that didn't need to be held together on this desk, I'M NOT SURE!), and carvings everywhere.  I left most of the carvings for good measure.  Number one, I couldn't find my wood filler to fill them, and two, they might have sentimental value to someone out there.  Just kidding... I was lazy.
Not sure what the top was.  Some kind of brown slate.  I painted it gray, coating it with lots of Wil Bond first.  Wil Bond was more like Won't Bond.  Cuz it didn't bond!!  It peeled right up.  Then that countertop paint I said I found for $5 a few days ago in a thrift store?  Well, I used it.  Yessirree bob.  That should do the trick!  Only it's brown, not gray like I wanted.  Buttttt... can't have it your way all the time.  Well, not without spending some money!  And I don't do that.  Not very easily anyway.  Unless I'm buying more junk treasures.

My already gray stripes had to get redone with the brown paint. 

I used a stencil for the bottom to add a little bit of interest to an otherwise quiet, unpretentious piece.  It seemed to cry for something, so that's what it got. It's not the right thing for my space, but I hope it's just the right thing for someone's space.  It even has a light, hence the black cord hanging down!


  1. My 4-year-old looked over my shoulder and saw the "before" picture, and asked, excitedly: "Is that free??" Can you tell which section we shop on Craigslist? ;)

  2. Oh yeah, P.S. It looks great!! :)

  3. Darling, love the 2 tones and the stripe! Great job!

  4. The desk looks awesome! I love the stripes and the stencil.

  5. that looks amazing! sawyer has a desk that is from this end up and was my brother's.... i never really considered painting it but i think i will if we can fit it in his next room!

  6. Love the stencil touch...beautifully changed up!

  7. Many times when I look at beautiful wood furniture that people decide to paint, I just cringe. However, your desk, although it looks like oak, wasn't beautiful and cried out for help. Your crisp brown and white paint job rescued it! Great work! Love the stripes! Not so much the fleurs-de-lis!

  8. BEAUTIFULLY done...and I LOVE the Fleur-de-lis!!


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