Today we have..... I'm not sure what to call this.... a bathroom vanity seat? That's what I think of anyway, since my grandma always had one of thee little flimsy wire stools in her bathroom to sit and do the makeup she didn't own. I don't think my grandma owns a stitch of make up. And I remember when I spent the night at her house, she'd take all those millions of pins out of her hair and it would be in long curls and I'd beg her to wear her hair down. I just couldn't understand at the time why she wouldn't! Love you, Grandma! Anyways, onto the stool. I found this one, and a similiar one at a garage sale about a month ago for ONE DOLLAR! Twas just gorgeous. Not. But of course... it can be!!

My fabulous craft room partner in crime er ummmm designer Debra Lovell spray painted it red and then dug through my pile of fabric and came up with some white canvas. It was actually an ottoman slip cover or something that I got from my friend Heather over at Design With Life which SHE got from a big assorted bag of fabrics at IKEA. (Thanks, Heather!!) Now let me tell you something about Debra. She's not afraid to "just do it". She's Nike's poster child, except in the decor realm, if Nike ever had decor realm, which it doesn't. Unless you count posters. Am I talking way too much? Yeah sorry, so anyways I'm making supper or something like that and look up and Debra's going to town with the staple gun. I ask if she's ever recovered anything before and she says no without even glancing up. Okay then... looks like she knows what she's doing.... just make sure to pull that succor super tight when stapling, kay? Kay. Done deal. Ain't it CUTE?! |
So as far as the "4", I'm jumping on board with this trendy number thing I see goin' on out there all over in blogland. I made the stencil (Click here for my easy stencil tutorial) and I'm going to just save that little tute for another day, since I would like to go to bed before midnight for once in my life. Good night ya'll!!! Oh, why 4? The four loves of my life - hubby and three little munchkins. Okay, so it was really just cuz the number four seemed easier than a two or five. But the latter sounds better. :)
really love the chair:)