Monday, October 24, 2011

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesdays #3

All of last weeks entries were muy bien, so it was hard to choose my favorites!  However, The first one on the list is the one which earned the most clicks and is also one of my FAVORITES!!!!  She also resides in Iowa... so you know she's gotta be awesome.  And she is.

1. You MUST be a GFC follower of Kammy's Korner (click "join this site" on the right)
2. Place the Party button found on the right sidebar either on the post you are linking up or in your linky list on your blog. 
3. Your post MUST be a trash to treasure and link directly to your post, not your blog.



  1. Thanks for inviting me over to your blog. I look forward to linking up many more times :o) I have a few more that I want to link up now, but I'll save them for a rainy day! -Katie

  2. This is my first time linking up. Thanks for hosting!

  3. I am now a follower and I linked up my table! Thanks for your comment on my table. I tried to put your button or link on my post but I can't get it to work from my phone. I will for sure add it tomorrow when my computer is up and running.

  4. Kammy, thanks for visiting my blog and inviting me to your linky party. These are some really neat projects being shared...I'm now a follower.

  5. Hi Kammy! Thanks for inviting me to link up today! I appreciate your sweet comments! Following you now, hope you follow me too. Have a great day!

  6. Thanks for hosting and thanks for the invite Kammy!

  7. Thanks for the kind words and the feature, Kammy! I am so very, very honored!! :D Can't wait until you come home to visit, so we can meet in person!


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!