Sunday, August 12, 2012

A "New" Highchair for Caleb Jr.

One of the girl's that has gotten picked up on our Sunday School bus since she was a wee little girl recently had a baby. Her uncle happened to find this old highchair somewhere and asked her if she wanted it.  She replied, "Sure, Kammy can do something with it".  I groaned.  Just a little.   I tried to convince her that it was distressed and that look was "in".  But she wanted nothing to do with the shabby look.  Once I got going however.... it turned out to be a pretty fun project!
First I just sanded it down good, then touched up all the black and painted over the gold.  I was going to just refinish the wood parts, but there were some doozy stains and if I would have kept sanding, little junior would have been eating on a tray with the thickness of a toothpick.  I had absolutely no plan in my mind, I just started painted and and as I painted, stuff came to my into my brain and yeah, that's how I usually work.  Just start and let the juices flow as I work.  I rarely start out with the picture of an end result in my noggin'.
I added plaster of paris to my blue and light green paint because I wanted those areas to be super duper durable.  If you've had kids, you know how hard they are on highchairs.  What?  A a spoon?  It's for mashed peas?  No it's not, it's for tray banging, Mommy!
Without the tray......
Yes, my letters are slightly off.  Oops.  I polyurathaned it (yes, that's a verb) and had junior's parents over for Sunday dinner to give it to them today, but I didn't send it home with them.  I decided it needs another coat of poly.  No telling how hard of a spoon drummer Junior is going to be.
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 Giveaway going on this week until 8/20.  Click HERE for your chance to win a pair of Shabby Chic S&P Shakers from Huckleberry Vintage.

COLORFUL SHABBY CHIC Salt and Pepper Shaker Set, Small in Green


Today's Creative Blog
shabby creek cottageThe Shabby Nest
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Way cute, Kammy! Awesome job! Did you mom tell you it rained all day yesterday??? YAY!!! :)

  2. Super Cute, Kammy!!!

  3. Love how this turned out. I love a good wood high chair, they have so much more character than the plastic ones of today!
    Thank you for the feature!

  4. Looks awesome!!

  5. I just bought a wood high chair from Goodwill, and I'm excited to paint it. Thanks for some great ideas. Yours looks wonderful. Gail (

  6. I have an old high chair like this too but have been nervous that it didn't have a safety strap between the legs but now that my little one is getting older, I can't wait to decorate it and start using it!!! Yours looks awesome!

  7. I saw your link on tatertots and jello, I knew I had to visit your blog, because the picture was so cute!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. My neighbor put the same highchair out in his trash..I snagged it and found your blog. I've sanded mine down and got my ideas and inspiration from you! Here goes nothin!! :)

  10. My neighbor put the same highchair out in his trash..I snagged it and found your blog. I've sanded mine down and got my ideas and inspiration from you! Here goes nothin!! :)

  11. I found a chair just like this one, except the colors are white and natural. Do you know the maker or age of it.


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