Monday, September 17, 2012

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday

Welcome to another week of Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday! It's been a few months since I've had that "blogger's high" but I sure have it this week!  My Dresser Drawer Window Boxes got several features and Funky Junk Interiors took notice of my wall ladder which, if anyone has ever gotten noticed by Donna from Funky Junk, knows that your blog will be gettin' some crazy traffic!  I'm sure it will slow down soon and go back to normal, but right now I'm loving it. :)  

Let's check out last week's features, shall we?

The Post With The Most (views):

Pin ItSomeone's "Trash" is Lewisville Love's "Treasure".  Yard sales are the BEST!  Soon she'll be an addict like the rest of us to her new found love of garage saling.

Okay, are you ready for this?  It's the cutest little dollhouse ever.  But what was it in it's previous life?  Any guesses?  Nope, not a footstool (that was my hubby's guess).  A breadbox!!  Yuppers.  And when you go to check out how she did this, make sure you don't miss a single word of Simply Vintageous's post.  She's just as hilarious as she is creative!

 Life Will Never Be The Same made sure these chair's lives would never be the same.  Pretty sure my mom has these chairs and Dad would keeeeel her if she painted them.  Maybe she should accidently spill the can on them because these are just FABULOUSLY shabby now!!!!  And she did a highchair to match! :)

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday Rules: 

1.  Your post must be a Trash 2 Treasure, but I'm not picky on the "trash" part!  
If you took something and made it look better and it's NEW to Kammy's Korner - link it up, Baby! :)

2. Place the Party button found on the right sidebar on the post or somewhere on your blog.

Please don't link and run!  Visit the link before yours and leave some lovin'.  So sorry I haven't had a chance lately to comment on all your links.  I do try to visit each and every one of them eventually!!!  It's hard with three little munchkins who need attention and hate mommy's computer time.

Link up, Buttercup!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Enjoy your blogger's high! You deserve it.
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. Great party! I just linked up a jewelry organizer and it came out of a dumpster, totally a trash to treasure :) Thanks for hosting!

  4. Hey Kammy! I'm linking up again for another fun party! You're gonna love this one!

  5. Hey Kammy! Thanks for the link up! :)

  6. Hey Kammy! congrats on the noticeable "head nods" ;)


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!