Saturday, December 1, 2012

Distressed Table and Staining a Basket

My six year old and I were spending the day together not long ago.  He was being a great sport and hitting up all the thrift stores with me and not uttering a single complaint!  We found ourselves in a total dive of  a place and were "digging" for goodies when I found this rather ugly basket.  It had a greenish gold colored fabric lining it that was full of dust and "dirt crumbs".  The old guy told me he'd give it to me for fifty cents.  I plopped two quarters down and left the store with it.  I immediately tossed the basket lining in the wash and then got out a dark walnut stain and stained the outside of the basket with a foam brush.
Here's how it looked while it was still wet.
 And now check out how beautiful the stained look is once it dried!

  I'm always looking at lined storage baskets in the store, but never buy them because they're always so expensive. 

I'm rather thrilled with how my 
fifty cent basket turned out!!!
And now you know I don't always paint the underside of my tables!  Secret's out....
Can't remember for sure, but I think I picked this garage sale find up for $3.
I painted it with white homemade chalk paint and distressed all the edges with sand paper.

 And that folks, is yet another peek 
into my newly updated den.  
Maybe someday I'll give you "the full reveal". :)
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You have until 12/7 to get entered into the $50 prize package giveaway from Mitzi's Collectibles!! 
 Click on over HERE and enter to win this awesome prize!
Linking up HERE and:
My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaBeyond The Picket Fence shabby creek cottage
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Hello, found you from I Heart Nap Time. Wow, what a great find! I agree that the new baskets are much too expensive at the store. The preview of your den looks very cozy:)

  2. So cute! I'd love for you to share this or any of your great ideas at the link party going on now (and every Saturday - Tuesday) at 'Or so she says ...'

  3. What a great re-do on the basket. I had a similar find at the ReStore but used spray paint...a lot of spray paint. The spray paint just shoots through the basket weave. Never thought of using stain. This seems like a better use of resources. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Great find, and it looks so good. Love the little table, too. You mean some people always paint the underside of the table??! What a unique idea. It is not like people are sticking their heads under there, right?

  5. Love the clock faces and the yo -yo chains - fun!

  6. Love the re do on the basket I always see funky colored baskets at Goodwill and I always think I wonder what I could do to change them - now I know!! Will have to try this at a later date!

    Also I am pretty new to blogging and mentioned you in my blog, hope that is ok!

    If you are interested - here is the link to where I mentioned you

  7. love that table! I've been looking for some of those awesome finds to redo... I need some tables around my house :)

  8. Love this!
    That basket looks wonderful with darker stain on it. I love when a project comes together nicely, without much effort or money!
    via, MRL CCC party, Patricia!

  9. WOW! that basket looks AMAZING now. LOVE it!

  10. That's fantastic! I'm going to have to keep that in mind, I feel the same way about baskets, they are sooo expensive!

  11. so much richer with the stain!

    if you find a moment, stop by and enter my giveaway, we'd love to have you.




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