Monday, October 7, 2013

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday {Link Party}

Howdy, howdy!!  It's been a little quieter than normal on the Korner since I flew to Dallas and surprised one of my best friends who just had a precious little baby boy.  What a H.O.N.E.Y.  I loved him.  Oh the memories of having a newborn. Especially the smell of a breast-fed baby's diaper.  And the soggy burp cloths from spit-up.  And the darling way they pop their fuzzy little heads around, trying to see the world around them.  I tried to take a few professional-looking shots as best as this unprofessional-with-a cheap-camera could, and I'll try to share them with you all this week.

I did manage however to sneak in one project, a "new" coffee cart, and I had my friend Becky do a guest post for me on her sister's wedding.  Click on the photos below to check them out:


Features from last week!!

The Post With The Most (views) up first:

Denise... on a whim created fun fall signs from pallet boards.  Click over to see all of them!
Make Me Pretty Again lived up to her name with this gorgeous cherry blossom painted dresser.
Love the black and white combo on this piece by A Business and a Bungalow
Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday Rules: 

1.  Your post must be a Trash 2 Treasure, but I'm not picky on the "trash" part!  
If you took something and made it look better and it's NEW to Kammy's Korner - link it up, Baby! :)

2. Place the Party button found on the right sidebar on the post or somewhere on your blog.

3. Visit the link before you and leave a comment!

 I do try to visit each and every one of them eventually!!!  It's hard with three little munchkins who need attention and hate mommy's computer time. :)

Link up, Buttercup!


  1. How awesome to have the most views for our signs. Thanks for featuring them and for another great party, Kammy!

  2. Thank you Kammy for featuring my black and white table! You made my day!

  3. Hi Kammy,
    Love your Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday link party. I'm a huge fan of transformations. I've linked up an old picture frame that was heading for the trash that I transformed into a vintage bulletin board.

  4. Hi Kammy! Love your parties. Thanks so much for the feature!! xoxox


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!