Thursday, August 27, 2015

My New Nail Head Trim Sofa!

I'm pretty sure this is a first.  I'm sharing a piece of furniture on my blog that I didn't paint.  I didn't add the nail head trim.  I didn't find it on a curb, or have a friend donate it to me, or find it in a thrift shop.  I bought it brand new.  Ordered it from Art Van!  

I love tweed look and this oatmeal colored fabric.  I also wanted nail head trim to add some spice and elegance.  I found the style I wanted had it custom ordered at Art Van.  I'm pretty sure the young salesman working there wanted to wring my  neck after I changed my order about forty two times.  (I was trying to decide on coordinating chairs and fabrics and second guessing myself - again and again and again....)

I love pretty legs.  Which is why I'm a little freaked out about my own legs.  Out of desperation for some poison ivy relief, I stupidly took to the internet and read about how a guy scraped his and put rubbing alcohol on it.  I did.  It burned.  Which actually felt better than the itch. And puss ran out everywhere.  And now I have some nasty looking sores THAT BETTER GO AWAY!!!!!  Eh, I'm in my thirties now.  Who really cares anymore if I have scars and spider veins? ;)

But back to the subject at hand, I love these legs on the sofa!
By the way, I feel so prim and proper when I use the word "sofa".  
When I grew up it was a "couch".  Couch just doesn't sound right when I'm typing on my blog.... or now that I live in the 'Old Lefere Mansion'.  I'm trying, I'm trying.

I'm going to give you a bigger view of the living room here but FIRST...  how about a quick peek at this room when we bought the house:

It was so grand and beautiful and spacious and I was so excited about it and then I started putting furniture into and nothing seemed to flow and I couldn't make it feel right and so I just sold all my furniture - rug and all - and decided to start over! :)  (I wouldn't normally have done such a thing, but I had a nice gift to help me!)

I'm still waiting for the perfect coffee table. I'm holding out for some help in making one using some old barnwood I have and a rustic cart I found out in the barn.  I'm just not sure how to pull it all together yet, and haven't found the time to focus.  "Focus" has never been a word I excel at.....

Did you notice the fireplace makeover in the two previous pictures?  In the before - pretty much nada.  In the  present day photo?  A stunner!  Thanks to my hubby who built that mantel out of scraps from out of our barn one afternoon - check that post out HERE.

 I'm also pretty geeked about my massive new rug.  I was going to play it safe and get neutral.  Well okay, I actually did.  Got it, laid it down, it was too small, and too..... neutral!  Have you ever tried mailing back a massive rug?  That's a whole 'nother story.  My lands.  Anyways, I got this rug from Overstock.  They are awesome and I love the colors and how it ties everything all together!

Hope you enjoyed this post - it's not very often (have I ever??) that I post about a new piece of furniture.  Something I DIDN'T find on the curb, or in Goodwill, or had to paint and fix up....  BRAND NEW!  I can't believe I bought brand new.....  It happens every. once. in. a. great. while.

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Savvy Southern Style


  1. Very nice! ~~ & in my favorite colors, too!

  2. Very nice-the couch & the room!!! It's nice to treat yourself once in a great while!!!

  3. I love the sofa you picked...and I love your living room-the rug looks fab!

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

  4. Congratulations, you have a beautiful beginning for a lovely room that can evolve over time. The new rug is stunning and lends itself to many possibilities.


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