It's been so long since I got this thing I can't even REMEMBER the story behind it! I think it was the time I dug around someone's old farm and they said "help yourself"? Not sure!
So I'm editing this post because I just found the picture that tells the story! Yes, I was right, this was a stash I took home from said farm - see it in there on the left?? :)
Anyways, it's moved houses with me, escaped the burn pile a few times, and now is a happy little outdoor table. "Outdoor" because I'm too scared to clean the cobwebs out of the long dark spooky hole in the middle.
You know I have black chalkboard paint mixed up and on my brush when suddenly everything that's been sitting around in my stash for far too long is suddenly a black chalkboard! This wood just soaked it up. I stenciled the letters "PURE MICHIGAN" around the top using a creamy off white and sanded it a little to distress it slightly.
Wouldn't you know it, one of my smallish sized terracotta pots fit in the center PERFECTLY. Match made in heaven, yo.
So I got this awesome striped burlap "ribbon" on clearance at Wal Mart for 75 cents! I could get maybe 1.5 gumballs in the middle of the mall for that! Yeah, I bought all they had. It was in 10 foot rolls. What a smokin' deal.
So how did I secure it on? Good question. With my new favoritest (spellcheck, you really should recognize my words) tool on the planet, my batter powered nail gun. It's a Ryobi and I'm pretty sure if Ryobi was a man and I didn't have my wonderful hubby, I'd marry him. I even went out on a shaky, skinny limb and bought a battery powered Ryobi WEED TRIMMER this year! I feel like a dweeb, but I don't care. I'm so done with gas trimmers - all I've used the last 20 years. And I am DONE with them, folks! And I can't believe I just said that! One of my clients even told me the other day "I just can't take you seriously when you're using a battery powered trimmer!" I laughed and took his money. :)
So since ya'll aren't dumb and it's not like you didn't already know that you can turn an ugly spool in a cute table... consider this your friendly reminder next time you come across one. Or just throw in in your truck and drop it off at my house! :) I do not turn down free things delivered to my door.
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That one has a flat top. Mine always have warped tops. Which I find super uncool. It turned out great!
Sarah @ Gypsy Girl Revivals
omg, luv this Kammy!!! Spool tables rock!