Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big $1 Mirror Makeover

We didn't have time for garage sales.  So I was doing a "drive by" when I spotted this mirror (AND my $1 coffee table!!! Maybe I'll share in the future) and I hollered out my window - how much for the mirror?  ONE DOLLAR?!  Oh yeah, we can do something with that!
I broke one of my rules and had some dark gray paint mixed.  What's my rule?  Only by "oops paint" or mix my own colors with what I've got!  I'm not sure what got into me.  I was wandering the paint isle in Lowes and did it on impulse.  But it was the perfect color for this mirror.  I used stencils for the top, two different ones actually.  Took the bird from one, and then kind of curled a different one around it.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a mirror?  It's not an easy feat.  If you know any tricks to the trade, please do fill me in!!

It's for sale - if you're in the area, please do take this off my hands! :)


  1. That is gorgeous!! Great job and great deal!! I love the stencil.


  2. This is such a beautiful mirror! I love the stencil detail on the top.

    And my big trick with photographing a mirror is to take it outside to take pictures. That and good photo editing. But I hate taking pictures of mirrors too.

  3. Cute mirror! I love it! I hope you will link it up at Savvy HomeMade Monday! :)


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