Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Sew Ruffle Bag Using Tablecloth and Old Purse

I've been wanting to make a ruffle bag FOR EVVV ERRRRR.  I've actually started to a few times, but they always turned into something else....  and didn't have any ruffles!  So while the two youngest munchkins were at Grandma's today, I decided it was prime time.
None of my big plain grocery totes seemed right.  I went digging through the old purses in my closet and was quite sad when I recalled my stash was so small because I sold most of them at my garage sale awhile back.  I found this purse, and I LOVE its "layout".  Do purses have layouts?  Well I think so, and I stick to one main layout.  Three big sections.  One for my crap, one for the kid's crap, and the middle zipped part for uhhhh "personal" crap (used to be diapers and wet wipes, but as of a few weeks ago we are DONE with that phase of our lives.  Forever.)
This table cloth was not just screaming my name one day in the Jackson Resale Depot, it was trying to crawl down off the shelf and into my arms!  I bought it for $3.  It was big, and I loved the lace.  So glad I did!  It was the perfect color to compliment the pale pink.
There it is DONE!  However, do I plan any of this out when I start?  Heaven's no.  First I hot glued the pink fabric on.  Then looked around and my eyes landed on the green table cloth!  Unfortunately, I glued it on the wrong side.  Oh well.  Then I decided a few rows of lace were in order for the top.  I did my first row, and phew, looked like there'd be enough for a second row.  Then low and behold, there was even enough for the final top layer of lace!  I made a big flower rosette and hot glued it on the front for the finishing touch and covered the handles with more green table cloth.  Those aren't so pretty, I think I might need something to finesse those before it makes it's debut to the grocery store with me.

I didn't even know I was capable!  I truly got inspired and got my rear in gear when I saw the post on Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom.  Thanks for the push I needed to finally make my ruffle bag!!  Oh wait, were you hoping for a tutorial?  Well, visit Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom for that.  She already wrote it out, and did a much better job than I could ever do - plus her "no sew tote" is SUPER CUTE!!!!
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  1. Pretty! I love no-sew projects.

  2. That bag is so cute, love the different colored ruffles. I hope you will share at the Bacon time linky on Friday.

  3. Lovely job. I love anything that's no sew.

  4. Very Cute, Visited from It's a Keeper Thursday!

  5. okay this is such a great idea!!!!! What a fantastic way to dress up (literally haha) your old purses--I may have a few I could do that too :-)

    Thanks so much for sharing!!! Really truly!

    (a blog all about COLOR!)

  6. This is so cute! I just love it! I saw your wreath too over at Craft O Maniac, I'd love for you to link up your adorable items at my party : )


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