Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Mudroom. AKA the back porch.

So ACTUALLY, a before and after of this mudroom was one of my very first posts from back in April of 2010.  Since that post I've repainted the floor (MOM repainted the floor, I should say) and added a few things.  But the post was HORRIBLE - back before I knew a blame thing about blogging.  I also probably had two followers at the time. :)  So here we go, bringing it to you a second - but updated - time!

So this is my non-handy man hubby building me a window seat/bench with old plywood and shutters I had bought from Goodwill and had in storage.  As this picture depicts, my boys like to jump into these projects literally.
As you can see, this was blah, uninviting and OH-SO-GREEN!  I have nothing against green.  Let's just not do three different shades of it with not one ounce of anything else!  I loved the wainscoting and what appears to be an original cabinet.  Extremely old at any rate.  It's perfect for storing all my paint cans. The mice have found the cabinet to be the perfect winter hide out however, but they have plenty of room since paint cans are round.. :)

We added two rows of shelves over the cabinet and I picked up the tall shoe cubby at Jackson Resale Factory for $10  I covered diaper boxes with wall paper for storage.
I added pegs for the kid's coats, but I'd still like to personalize them - just not sure what I want to do for that yet.
My mom sewed this fabric onto a foam pad since I can't sew worth beans, and also recovered some old throw pillows for a punch of color.  We keep all our winter boots, hats, snow pants, etc. underneath the window seat.
And last but not least, I just HAVE to show you the lights.  Aren't they just gorgeous?!  And I didn't have to do a thing - they were here when we bought the house!  Score!!
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Initials, Inc.

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Thrifty Decor Chick


  1. Looks great--I love the color you painted the walls!

  2. It looks great and much lighter than the before, Kammy! I love all the storage and organization you have in here, too.

  3. So What I want to know is if when everyone walks in, they put their shoes in the appropriate cubby, OR if they just kick them off on the floor and you have a HUGE pile of shoes in there at any given time? I LOVE this room and it is perfect even if there IS a huge pile of shoes in the middle of the floor all time time:):):)

  4. Amazing! I've looked through your blog and it is draw dropping.
    One Chic Mom

  5. Love how everything turned out, great job!

  6. Cute! love the built in cabinet...looks so organized and welcoming!
    Love the pictures of the cutie pies helping dad out!

    don't you just love the kiddos?!


  7. HI Kammy, I really like your mudroom now. I especially like your window seat and think your hubby did a wonderful job. I like the shutters on the bottom and of course love the fact you used second hand materials! Won't you come by and share at my new party Totally Transformed Tuesday? I know my readers would love to see this makeover. Hugs, Peggy

  8. Your bench looks great Kammy! And yes, I'm jealous of your lights. They are patina-licious!

  9. I just discovered your blog via funky junk and I must say I am impressed! Who says your hubby isn't handy?! He did a great job! You have two adorable boys, but I think you know that :). I wish I had a mud room like that. Love the colors and the practicality of what you did.

  10. Hi Kammy. Mud room looks great. What is the wall color? I would LOVE it for my baby girl's nursery. Thanks! Jessica

  11. I love the color on your walls! What is it? Found your post thru Thrifty Decor Chic!


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