Monday, March 18, 2013

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday {Linky Party}

Welcome my Fellow Trash 2 Treasure Lovers!!

I have a special discount to my readers from the NEWEST sponsor
on Kammy's Korner!

Use code GARDENOFEDEN for 10% off your purchase
Also, spend $35 and get a FREE gift!

In case you missed it last week, I got daring and painted my piano!
Check it out:

From last week:

The Post With The Most (views) goes to:

Simply Vintageous's total bedroom makeover.

A Bit O' Whimsy did what just might be my favorite chevron piece ever.  
Game on!  Awesome idea, Rendition Road!

Please review the rules before you add your link- THANKS!

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday Rules: 

1.  Your post must be a Trash 2 Treasure, but I'm not picky on the "trash" part!  
If you took something and made it look better and it's NEW to Kammy's Korner - link it up, Baby! :)

2. Place the Party button found on the right sidebar on the post or somewhere on your blog.

3. Visit the link before you and leave a comment!

 I do try to visit each and every one of them eventually!!!  It's hard with three little munchkins who need attention and hate mommy's computer time. :)

Link up, Buttercup!


  1. I love your painted piano, esp the bench! Thanks for hosting,,,,hugs, Penny

  2. Love the piano, and i love the features. Have a great week

  3. Those checker and bingo tables are so clever. I just found your blog. I look forward to checked out all the links.

  4. Thanks for the party and I LOVE what you did to the piano!!!! It really looks amazing!!
    Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer

  5. Thanks for hosting! Your piano looks great!!
    Jamie ~

  6. Hey Kammy! thanks for hosting another great party!
    Happy Spring Day!

  7. Thank you so much for featuring my game end tables Kammy!! The smile I got from that actually beat out the smile I've had for seeing actual sunshine today :) Always an honor to be featured here. Thanks for hosting such a fun party for us all. Hope the rest of your week is amazing!

  8. Thanks for hosting (hugs) piano looks Fab!


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!