Monday, June 2, 2014

Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday Linky Party

Well folks, one month ago I told a few people we were in our forever home.  Weren't going to move, loved our place, and sure didn't EVER want to move all my junk! 
Plans have officially changed.
 We won an online auction and an old historical home that is known around these parts as "The Lefere Mansion" is now ours!!!!!!!!!!!!  I've always loved this place but sure never dreamt we'd OWN IT!

As a disclaimer: this is by no means a mansion in today's standards, but back in the day...  well I guess for this area it was!
It's been sitting empty for quite a while and needs lots of TLC which we hope to give it!
Hope you follow along with our new adventure - if I have time to blog about it! :)

I'm doing a home tour of our house we live in now, since we are selling and all.  Figured I'd better do that before we leave!  I thought I had all the time in the world, and suddenly it's only weeks!
Wow, life can change quick.

Here are the two rooms I shared last week:


How about some great features from last week's party?

Be sure to follow along with the Trash 2 Treasure Highlights board on Pinterest HERE.

diy classroom crate stool bench
Refresh living made the cutest storage seats for her classroom.

MyLove2Create, Repurposed Table Top into Game Box
Look what My Love 2 Create created this time!
Texas Art via
I know Glass Slipper Restorations' post was actually about her awesome salvaged wood garden planter boxes, but I also LOVED this "Texas Art"!
Party up, Folks! 

 Just remember to follow the rules!! :)

1.  Your post must be a Trash 2 Treasure, but I'm not picky on the "trash" part!  
If you took something and made it look better and it's NEW to Kammy's Korner - link it up, Baby! :)

2. Place the Party button found on the right sidebar on the post or somewhere on your blog.

3. Visit the link before you and leave a comment!

 I do try to visit each and every one of them eventually!!!  It's hard with three little munchkins who need attention and hate mommy's computer time. :)

Link up, Buttercup!


  1. Oh wow!! Congrats on your new home, Mansion I mean :)!! It is beautiful, I can't wait to see what you do with it! And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog for for the Feature! Love linking up at your party Kammy! Hugs!

  2. O M G! You lucky girl!
    Cheers to your NEW adventures!
    Can't wait to see the future posts on all of this---

  3. Congratulations!!! Thanks for hosting. Please come and party with us. We love having you.
    Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls

  4. Kammy, Congratulations! How exciting for you and your family. I hope you keep us updated!
    ~Tami @ Curb Alert!

  5. Hi Kammy! Oh! I love your new Home! I would love to see more photos of the ouside of your home for sale, it looks so adorable! So excited for you! Thank you so much for featuring our Garden and my husbands "Texas Art". Your awesome! Have a great week, looking forward to seeing more of your homes. :)

  6. I love the new house, can't wait to see what you do with it.
    Marie @

  7. Oh my gosh. So happy for you. I know it was an auction but you won! I am definitely going to start following. I loved the tour of the current home. I'll be back for sure. I am going to link. I found your linky at Debbie Dabble.
    Have a great evening,


Comments - Next best thing to chocolate! :) Please let me know you visited!