I may or may not have some Michigan fans in this house. I'm not into decorating in Team logos and what-not but this business all started when my son wanted to paint some signs for his "Market Day" at school.
When we renovated our sunroom, most of this high quality wood paneling was torn off. Of course, I saved it for repurposing!
Can I just brag a little on my nine year old? He did these all by himself! I guided him, and helped mix up the paint colors, but he did the actual work. I believe in some guidance but I'm very anti stepping in and doing it for them. School projects get them ready for the real world. Some day at their place of employment, they will need to problem solve and figure it out on their own. So when he told me I needed to place the stencil in the middle of the sign for him so it would be exact and not off-centered, I handed him a measuring tape and said "Find the middle. Then start with the middle letter. You're smart, you can do it". It's not being a lazy parent, it's about raising responsible adults. But that's my take on it. :)
Since his signs and other gear sold like hot cakes, I decided to follow suit and make some of my own!
As you probably saw in the first picture, I got this mail organizer for twenty five cents at a garage sale. My hubby says my "M" isn't fat enough. But what do I know? I'm from the land of Iowa Hawkeyes. :)
the metal hardware is easy to pop off by just sliding a straight edge screwdriver behind it and popping the nails out. Then I painted this with homemade chalk paint (a spoonful of plaster of paris dissolved in hot water added to my paint) and added the stenciled letter. I sealed this and my sign with Modge Podge.
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