Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Repurpose The Pockets!

Oh my GOODNESS I was bummed out when my little boy brought me this favorite pair of shorts and said he tore a big hole in the behind of them.  My patching abilities are not too swell so I decided to take a different route. Cuz ya know, I can't just throw something away.  It's not in me!

I cut all the pockets off, and using the front ones, for this project, Gorilla glued (and also used a few little nails to make sure it stayed put) them onto this chippy old salvaged board.  I added some rope for hanging and bam - a simple and cute project from some old ripped shorts!

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TDC Before and After


  1. As a fellow mother of boys...we rarely have a shortage of ripped pants...and an endless supply of pockets from about age 4 til forever!

  2. This is such a cute idea. I too am always repurposing old or ripped clothing. here are so many great uses for them. Kammy, I am hosting a new link party Sweet Inspiration and would love to have you join us. It runs Friday till Tuesday.

  3. That fabric is just way too cute to throw out. Love the style and that it's useful. Pinned

  4. This is so clever, Kammy! I love the unexpected and this one does it!


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