It's a Kammy's Korner tradition!
And it's that time of year!
Time to share the annual "through the years" Christmas photo!
So I sorta did a "thing" this year. Wrote a "Christmas Letter" of sorts. I know lots of people do that, but not this girl. I'm not sure you can really call it a "letter" since I did it on the back of a postcard and had to squeeze it all in to fit on the left side of a 4x6. You know one thing I'm really good at and I ain't afraid to brag about? Condensing down thousands of words to just a few that will fit on a postcard and still saying kind of what I want to say. I typed, and retyped, and took out "ands" and replaced with "&"s and abbreviated... made the font so small people will probably need a magnifying glass.... My sister said it sounded like something my Dad would write, and when he writes a Christmas letter, half his recipients have no clue what he's trying to say - if he's being serious, joking, WHAT. Like the year he said my sister was working for Sealy Mattresses testing the endurance of a mattress. It was a joke. She spent lots of time sleeping in that year and taking naps. People from all over were asking how her job at the mattress company was going. ANYWAYS, this is all for reals and here goes:
"Other than the hens getting eaten by weasels & our kitty dying from a nerf bullet diet, it's been a great year. Visited Mex, Nashville, Iowa, Lake Mich, Boyne Mnt (Tori learned to ski!), and Tim & I
celebrated 18 years of marriage on Mrytle Beach. We stay busy as Airbnb Hosts & have lots of fun, weird, inspiring, annoying, but mostly cool stories to tell renting our backyard cabin and unique home next door. You name the reason, they've stayed here for that reason. Had 2 barn sales selling revamped "junk" as Tim calls it. On top of mowing our 10 acres, the kids have started helping some with lawn jobs and earning a little $.$ Tori is the newest weed whippin' woman on the block. Tobin's 7th grade basketball team just went undefeated. Ty is in 5th grade and saves all his energy and volume for when he walks in the door after school. 3rd grader Tori wants to make all.the.things. on Pinterest and is unconcerned with how many spelling words she misses. Tim plays bball before putting in a day's work at Consumers Energy, is Sunday school superintendent, and preaches the good news of God's free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ on many a Sunday night. A copacetic Christmas to you and yours! Tim, Kammy, Tobin, Ty, and Tori"

Yes, I'm wearing high heels, he is taller than me now!
Wow. We've come a long way, Baby!
As in blurry photography skills, sunburned noses, family size... :)
Let's start way back in the year 2000 - Our very first Christmas picture
when it was just the two of us:
still just us two in 2001:
2002: our fur babies became our babies!
Pregnant with baby numero uno in 2005:

And now we have a real baby, not just fur ones!

The year we photoshopped Tobin's eyes open - eek - 2007:

That time we took the photo in our friend's bathroom - 2008:

Two sweet boys and pregnant with our little girl in 2009:



2013: oops, skipped that year!
First photo at "The Lefere Mansion" (Trail Acres) 2014:

We took this photo on a whim - one of our tenants that lived on our property here called wanting to borrow a snow sled so while he was on the phone we talked him into walking out to the waterfalls in the backyard to snap our picture! This is on the shorter eight foot falls (see the waterfalls post HERE).
Taken on the beach at Sheboygan, Wisconsin while celebrating my parents 40th wedding anniversary - 2017
And the card that we mailed out this year - 2018:
(And in case you're wondering, yes my oldest boy is a few inches taller than me now!)
Merry Christmas to all my wonderful Kammy's Korner readers - thank you so much for following along in our endeavors!!
May you KNOW the true reason for the season, which is not what we so often make it about - packages under the tree, cookies, and warm fuzzy feelings - but the gift of God's son. Born to a virgin almost two centuries ago, who's only purpose was to allow men to nail him to a cross, where God would punish him for our sins, because he had none of his own. What an incomprehensible gift to mankind! A SAVIOR!! Merry Christmas!
Love the photos & message. Hope your family has a wonderful Christmas!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful family. You just don't age, do you! Happy Birthday, Jesus.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThis place is absolutely gorgeous, beautiful and stunning. Even though a few halls at San Francisco venues are equally appealing and fascinating in their decor, food and aesthetics, I'm tempted to still give this place a slight edge.