Thursday, January 17, 2019

Yard Sale Hacks Round #3

So maybe it's because it's January, and it's freaking cold, and I can't leave my house because I can't stand to have a numb face, so I'm sitting here dreaming of my favorite time of year - that sweet sweet season - YARD SALE SEASON!

But if you brave the frigid temps, I'm sure you can find treasures just as good at your local thrift stores.  Especially now that some woman has a show on Netflix I think?  About the glorious life of a decluttered house?? :)  I keep seeing memes on Facebook about it anyway - I'm way out of touch with the Entertainment world!  But from the vibes I'm getting on social media, it means good things for us treasure seekers.

Up first - some wood canisters from a church rummage sale.  Can you spot the four pieces in the first pic... and then in the bottom pic of this little collage?  Distressed white paint = fantastic.  Pretty much always.

I did add some chalkboard paint on each piece,
(click here for my recipe) and some lath on the trash bin.

So shucks, I guess if you didn't want this for "trash" it's a good thing chalk is erasable.  You could use this to store cat food, wrapping paper, prosthetic hands, whatever you want really.

Next. This just needed a good cleaning and some paint to make the deer scene stand out.
Most cutouts like this are just attached with little nails that pop out easily when you slide a putty knife under the object you want removed and gently lift.

Adorable little bench makeover.  I love easy upholstery jobs - the back and seat cushions just screwed off to make recovering with my staple gun super easy!

Confession.  Although I have found cool fabric at yard sales before, the fabric to recover this bench did not come from one.
BUT it wasn't Joanns or Hobby Lobby that I found it at either.... are you ready for this?
Yes, we are lucky enough here in Jackson, Michigan, to still have a Walmart that carries fabric!
I was a little spastic when I found out some Walmart's were cutting the fabric section (oops - pun!) but went across the street and bought myself a treat at McDonalds when I found out our's was staying.  When you get good news, it's always a good idea to celebrate with a treat (as long as you stay in budget and order from the dollar menu.  You ever had their holiday pies?  Oh!  Yum!)

Isn't that fabric beautiful?  I heart myself some Waverly prints and love that
 I can find them at good ole' Wally World.

But really, you don't necessarily have to go that route for fabric either.
Let's talk "yard sale curtains". 
 If you're a repurposing guru, you already know that curtains, table clothes, fill-in-the-blank-textile, can be upcycled.  Check out these used curtains (and my precious mooky pooky smooky furbaby who loves them too!) as a "new" cover for a footstool and antique loveseat! 
 (Footstool and loveseat?  Yard sale finds too, or course!)

Up next: this... palm tree print that someone built a shelf around?
Interesting.... I went through a huge safari phase so I would have loved this, but it passed, and now I like white and chalkboard and aqua blue everything.  So I upcycled away....

Now this bench was a beauty.  I'm sure the yellow shag carpet upholstery was drool-worthy in 1972.  Let's just add some fresh paint and updated fabric!

Outdoor furniture seems to abound at the yard sales I frequent.  Don't let a little rusty metal scare ya, there's spray paint made for that business!

That's all the hacks I've got for you today, folks!  
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. You are I just might be twins that were separated at birth ... although I suspect I am several years older than you so that is probably not possible. Pretty much all your upcycled projects I have also done myself. Great minds think alike !!


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