Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Knight in dingy armour

I can't believe what I paid for this ugly thing at a garage sale.  I won't even disclose the amount, you might scoff.  And I don't want no scoffin'.   But I was looking for a big canvas so my mom could paint me a picture.  That was about three years ago.  As you have probably guessed, she never painted on it.  I found it while rummaging through her basement last week.  It was time to do something about that dark mysterious knight.
Adios, valiant warrior.

Finished product.  Same frame and all!  But.... is it just me, or is it lacking something?  Whatever, I kind of like it.  Though, my hubby doesn't really.  So I guess it'll be for sale. Pfffft.


  1. Is that a Gilbert or Jane Stuart circa late 1800's painting you just destroyed? Please comment back, Thank You -Diana

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh no... no idea!! please don't tell me I could have sold that for mega bucks or something!! Never heard of Jane Stuart...

  3. Maybe George Stuart ? heres a tip for your piece - the flowers are floating and need some sort of visual anchor at the base / a darker color in the bottom half or some element that helps anchor them down.

  4. Thanks for the advice, Anonymous. I need to get around to heeding it! It actually sort of would have had a base since when I painted the background I had planned on it going horizontally, but then changed my mind and painted the flowers the other direction. Should have stuck with the original plan, perhaps?


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