Sunday, May 15, 2016

Make Your Own Message Board

If you've ever done a search on Pinterest for "Message Board", you'll see there is a whole slew of creative ideas out there!  For this one, I started out with a framed in square of wood that I picked up for a buck at a yard sale. 

 I forgot to take a picture of it, but it looked something like this one below that I still haven't done anything with - but in much better condition!

I painted it with my homemade chalkboard paint
 (you can get the instructions for that on this post HERE).

I sealed the frame with Modge Podge so it wouldn't scratch, but I left the chalkboard so (obviously) it could be used as a chalkboard! :)

To hold mail and what-not, I added this wide chevron burlap ribbon I picked up on clearance at Wal Mart a little while back for just 75 cents for a 10 foot roll!!  I used Gorilla Glue along the bottom and sides, but that still didn't seem secure enough so I pulled it tight and added small nails to the front and also on the backside.  If you're over 40,  get your spectacles out and you can probably see the four of them going down the side:

Like what you see?  Follow Kammy's Korner on:

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  1. You always have such cute chalkboard ideas! Love this!

  2. I like it a lot, Kammy! So clever to use the ribbon that way. Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! Cynthia

  3. Are you really having a barn sale :)


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